Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed elit nunc, elementum at risus hendrerit, malesuada malesuada lectus. Mauris aliquet sem scelerisque orci condimentum, sed gravida justo hendrerit. Integer nec nisl porttitor, cursus quam in, congue turpis. Fusce eleifend ante quis diam scelerisque, vitae tempor tortor fermentum. Morbi eu dui diam. Duis accumsan id dolor id finibus. Nullam est orci, fermentum quis vulputate sed, iaculis eu ipsum. Aliquam dapibus ornare euismod. Suspendisse dolor mauris, luctus et erat in, commodo sagittis sapien. Phasellus at ipsum magna. Morbi malesuada, nisi sed cursus mollis, libero sem sodales lectus, nec semper sem massa eu erat. In consectetur suscipit ex, vitae semper felis accumsan ac. Praesent molestie nec nisi vel imperdiet. Fusce at scelerisque ex. Cras volutpat diam ante, vitae maximus risus imperdiet id. Pellentesque gravida, est in ultricies fermentum, dolor velit efficitur elit, in faucibus ex eros at tellus.

We were approached by an entrepreneur fresh out of University who wanted to make a very unique and design lead product out of materials that were environmentally sustainable. 

Our experienced and driven team set about carrying out some basis trials on materials that met the design criteria.  We then developed tooling and production processes that bought all of his initially challenging design aspirations to fruition.

All of the materials/processes used were environmentally proven and the product when launched went on to do very well in a number of regions across the world.

Have a special & unique project?
Been told it can’t be done?

We have been a customer of Coleshill since 2008 and in that time they have served us very well. While working together they have helped us complete major UK rail projects in both Underground and Overground applications. Their knowledge of the industry requirements and the materials has proved invaluable.  

We recently took the decision to close down our own in house moulding facility and Coleshill made the decision and the whole process run like clockwork. We moved the whole facility (including all machinery, tooling & material) with minimal downtime and initial samples of the first parts from their plant look to have justified the decision to move to Coleshill.

I’d go as far to say they are:   


We have worked with Coleshill now for quite some years over a good handful of different projects. The team there are always happy to help no matter how small or complex the projects are. We really do value the experience that they offer and the friendliness of their staff.